Plan of Attack

Plan of Attack

How I am going to tackle kopf v1.0.0


4 min read

For the first major version of kopf(v1.0.0) I am planning to have simple feature set to just get it running. Following list are non-exhaustive and may change as I please ๐Ÿ˜‰

Functional Requirements

  1. Save/Retrieve Data from CSVs
  2. Understand Basic SQL
  3. Communicate via Sockets
  4. Selective Indexing
  5. Table Partitioning
  6. Don't abandon the project in the middle ๐Ÿ˜‚ when interest is lost

Non Functional Requirements

  1. Optimal Latency
  2. Less IOps
  3. Small memory footprint
  4. Scheduled Backup (๐Ÿคž)

Building the Stack

We will start from inside out. First we'll build the cerebrum to have persistant datastorage then cerebellum for command execution and have the cerebrum understand the issued SQL. At last, we will tie up with brainstem be able to communicate with external env. using sockets.

So we need to:-

  1. IO with CSV
  2. Have a worker-master model withcerebrum-cerebellum
  3. Socket Programming
  4. Have in-memory B+Tree of CSV contents
  5. An algorithm for sorting
    • Radix if row-count > 10000
    • Insertion if row-count < 1000
    • Merge else

Some Design Decisions

  • First of all, I will implement a prototype in python, then try to implement it in rust/C.
  • I am a big fan of binaries, so Queries will be encoded to binary and interpreted as is!
  • I will add more As I progress!

Deep Dive

The cerebrum

Biologists divide memory-functionality of the brain into 3 parts. Name...

  • Encode/Decode: Understand and realize what we learn and remember
  • Store: Persist what we learned/remember for short-&-long --term usage
  • Retrieve: Consume back what we learned/memorized

So, I will have my way at it as aforementioned! My cerebrum will follow these steps.

  1. It will have a module to en/de-code the SQL issued by the crebellum.
  2. A short-term in-memory caches and indexes for quick recall ops
  3. Persisted in-disk CSVs for long-term memory
  4. And a way to decide between whether to retrieve from long or short memory during execution of queries

Employed Datastructures

For in-disk, we will mimic Apache kafka's SSTables. Any write will only be appended without any seek. But, instead of conventional deltas, we will write result of the query on the existing data. Then have a worker scheduled to clean previous corresponding rows. I will coherce with the saying...

What is Done, Is Done.

... i.e. no rollback once the transaction is committed. No fallback. No f*@k by default. But admin/engineer can opt in to trade-off space and extra check to eliminate old-duplicate results for high availability and fallback backups.

For in-memory, I will employ conventional B+Tree ofz.

The cerebellum

This is captain of the ship. I want to use pub/sub models with 1-producer & many-consumer, but let's see, what future holds. In my mind, for the first rc, just wanna schedule function calls in a queue then be done about it ๐Ÿ˜‚.

cerebellum will be the glue of both brainstem and the cerebrum. So, this will be my high-hot-spot & single-point of failure if anything should go south.

The brainstem

API to the external systems. This module will be responsible only for getting the request from outside by sockets and then strip off unneccessary stuff from the payload and only send query and params to the cerebellum. Take result from cerebellum and then cooks the response and respond via pre-established awaiting socket or new if client wants asynchronous ops.

Payload detection in async communication

One challenge that I foresee is confusion when results donot arrive in order as issued during async communication. So, each payload(request) from externals will have a unique id in following format: - e.g. 1-1 for a client id with 1 and payload id of 1 OR 2-23 as such. Note, we will impose that payload id should start from 0 or 1 to have small payload size and be sequentially increased.

why not conventional cuid or uuid?

Obviously the size. uuid is 16 bytes long. But, an integer is just 8 bytes litterally I can write logs in any order and in agrregation I can just sort them with payload_id.

Have a very good luck sorting with uuid eventhough uuid generation is seq.

In uuid case, I will have to use another operation or store them in order for audit logs and WAL.

I know, this is vague, I might change. If I am wrong, please do comment and teach me using comments section

That's it for now. This is BE, signing off ๐Ÿ‘‹
